Andrew Stottlemyer
Credentials: MBA, ASBC
Specialties: Financial Management, Small Business Strategy
Experience: 7+ Yrs.
Licenses: None
Memberships: AASBC Phone: 404-419-6161 Ext # 0
Email: Consultant@AxisFinancial.US
I consult with small business owners on a variety of financial management and business strategy matters to help them achieve their business goals.
One of the reasons most small businesses remain small throughout their existence and fail to grow significantly beyond their current size is because they cannot afford the expert resources and advice needed to make a leap to the next level. While most small business owners understand how greatly their business can benefit from the professional advice of a subject matter expert, unfortunately, such advice is neither customized nor affordable for most small businesses.
After having a progressive career of 20 years in corporate finance and starting and selling three successful small business ventures, I now avail my experience and expertise in financial management and business strategy to small business owners with a passion and pride for their success. Over the last 7 years serving as their outsourced CFO and strategy consultant, I have helped many small businesses successfully achieve their business growth and financial objectives. As an ex-small business owner, I fully understand the unique nature of small businesses and the cost constraints they face in hiring an outside subject matter expert like myself. As such I have customized my services to fit my clients’ needs and I offer them on an as-needed and affordable manner. Also, I offer an a la carte service menu and a flexible fee structure (hourly, fixed, hybrid, project-based, contingent, equity-based, etc.) along with multiple service delivery options (onsite, remote, over-the-phone, virtual, etc.) to fit my client’s budget and schedule. My clients include small businesses primarily in technology, healthcare, professional services, and hospitality industries.
I grew up in New York and went to Townsend Harris high school there. After graduating from high school, I moved to Chicago for further education and received a bachelor’s degree in marketing and an MBA in finance from Loyola University. After working on various management positions in corporate finance for 20 years, I moved to Atlanta in 1999 where I started and sold three successful small business ventures in next 10 years. I began my career as a small business consultant in 2009 which has been an extremely fulfilling experience so far.
I am married to my high school sweetheart Jane for 30 years and together we have 3 children and a grandchild. In my spare time, I enjoy participating in family activities, reading, watching basketball and football, golfing, and fishing. I am a huge Falcons fan and never miss a chance to attend their home games.
No matter the stage of your small business – ideation, startup, expansion or established – having a savvy business consultant like myself by your side for your financial management and business strategy guidance needs is extremely valuable. Let’s discuss how together we can take your small business to the next level.