Ashwin Dhanesha
Credentials: CFP®, CFA, CPA, EA
Specialties: Retirement, Investment, Taxes
Experience: 20+ Yrs.
Licenses: CPA, EA, FINRA, Insurance
Memberships: AICPA, NAEA, NAPFA, CFAI Phone: 404-419-6161 Ext # 2
Email: Advisor@AxisFinancial.US
Our investment philosophy is grounded in time-tested principles:
We believe each investment portfolio should be tailored to reflect the client’s goals and needs, risk tolerance, and time horizon. We further believe that decisions about asset allocation should balance risks and rewards in a way that will ultimately achieve the client’s wealth goals.
We believe that a portfolio’s performance is primarily determined by asset allocation, while risk is best managed by diversifying the holdings within each asset class. We closely monitor portfolios over time to keep the asset allocation in balance and the investment manager’s risk/return performance in check and in line with industry performance.
We believe in the age-old adage that how much you keep is more important than how much you make. According to one study, taxes can eat up as much as 30% to 50% of your portfolio’s return. With a seasoned CPA on our team, we practice tax-efficient investing, while keeping a watchful eye on investment costs, trading expenses, and fees – all to make sure you can keep more of what you earn.
We believe in disciplined investing, tempered with patience and a long-term perspective to stay the course during times of uncertainty and volatility. We seek to eliminate the emotional component of investing, generally triggered by market euphoria or despair, which could result in decisions that are inconsistent with the client’s long-term goals and could negatively impact the likelihood of achieving financial objectives. We are diligent in rebalancing your portfolio to maintain target asset allocations on an ongoing basis.
We believe in value investing – that is, buying an asset for less than its intrinsic value. We select value-oriented investment managers who primarily specialize in investing in undervalued sectors and securities that have a high probability of mean-reverting. We adhere to a disciplined sell strategy to avoid holding overpriced sectors and securities.